Phoenix Enterprise Centre, Phoenix House, 3 - 5 Jacktrees Road, Cleator Moor, Cumbria, CA25 5BD | Tel: 01946 813 555


8 March 2023

Recognizing women’s incredible achievements raises awareness and encourages others to advocate for equality, both as a woman ‘in your own right’ and a woman in business.

Joanne Crowe, Phoenix Enterprise Centre
Joanne Crowe, Executive Director at Phoenix Enterprise Centre

Our very own Joanne Crowe from Phoenix Enterprise Centre, adds to the voice of many:

My career started way back in the early 80s as a Junior Process Worker at the Sellafield Nuclear Plant in Cumbria. Back then it was, predominantly, a male-dominated environment; – I was one, of only two, females in a cohort of 12 new junior process workers. It could be a challenging environment for a woman, and I remember, after an interview to be a pipe radiographer, being told I hadn’t got the job because I wouldn’t be able to carry the bag!! How times have changed?

On the flip side, Sellafield provided fantastic opportunities for its employees, and they invested heavily in training, team building, and sporting/community programmes.

Sport has always been important in my life. A former Netball player, I only retired 5 years ago when the joints shouted stop! I was involved in the initial setup of the Copeland Netball League back in the 80s and am delighted to see the development and expansion of that Netball League. However, women need to demand more – especially around dedicated women’s sports facilities. Take inspiration from the #Lionesses and the #EnglandRoses, it will happen!!

Throughout my career, I have been very fortunate to have been guided and influenced by some strong, independent women. I learned the managerial ropes from Mary Bradley at Age UK, and it was Pat Black from CETAD, University of Central Lancaster, who instilled in me the need for a healthy work/life balance.

I am surrounded by inspirational, talented, and clever women every day…. from Kayleigh Daniels, Director at REACT Engineering to Entrepreneur, Jo Iles at Lakeland Lights to Shelley Hewitson, Chief Officer at Citizens Advice Copeland. You are all doing a fantastic job!

We have an abundance of empathetic, giving, and caring women in Cleator Moor. They come out in force to support others. From the volunteers who support the Food Pantry to those who bake cakes, stand at the tombolas, run marathons, and raise money for good causes. You are all amazing.

My Staff at Phoenix Enterprise Centre (all female). Sometimes it’s not easy doing your job when times are tough. We support some of the most vulnerable in our community. Keep doing what you are doing. It’s appreciated and it makes a difference.

Finally, the 3 most important women in my life; Tara, Brooke, and Tabby – Love you.

Happy International Women’s Day….to all women out there.

#ukwomeninsport #SheBelieves #internationalwomensday

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Phoenix Enterprise Centre, Phoenix House, 3-5 Jacktrees Road, Cleator Moor, Cumbria, CA25 5BD - Tel: 01946 813 555

Phoenix Enterprise Centre CIC Ltd. Company registration number 01897176